Now that you’ve booked your Boudoir Shoot, are you full of nerves and want a way to feel more prepared for your session? Great! I’ve shot over 300 Boudoir Sessions, so I know exactly what to do to prepare for one. Here are some of my favorite tips.

TIP #1: Read All Of The E-Mails From Your Photographer
In my case, I always send my clients multiple emails preparing them specifically for their shoot. I’ll send them what they need to bring, the address, what time to get there, a lingerie guide, and how to prepare. I highly recommend reading all of your photographer’s emails to make sure you’re not missing anything important!
TIP #2: Start Your Pre-Session Payment Plan
Most Boudoir Photographers require Pre-Session Payment Plans on products and Packages before the day of your session. This way, you’ll be able to make incremental payments on what Package you want, so you don’t have to worry about it the day of. You can always add more the day of your session if you find it hard to narrow down your photos! Make sure to initiate this as soon as possible, (in my case, within 30 days of booking) or else your session may be canceled!
TIP #3: Browse Lingerie Online
While I have over 300 pieces of lingerie for my clients to choose from, you should still browse online to get a familiarity with different styles and cuts of lingerie. This way, when you come in for your session, you’ll have a better idea of what you like and what you want to look for in my client closet. This will help you from feeling overwhelmed when you see the racks and racks of lingerie! I send all of my clients a comprehensive list of lingerie websites to look through after they’ve booked.
TIP #4: Get Your Nails & Toes Done
This one is pretty self-explanatory! Getting your nails & toes done helps you to feel more put together – that is just a universally known fact. I would recommend going simple with a French Manicure, or a solid color like black, red, or a neutral. I don’t want your nails to overpower your face or body.

TIP #5: Use Positive Words of Affirmation
This is the best tip I can give you for feeling nervous. The day, week, heck, even MONTH before your session start using words of affirmation each day (preferably in the morning). You can say things like, “Today will be the best day of my life,” “I am beautiful, and I am worth it,” or “I am grateful for the opportunity this day brings.” Using these words will help re-program your brain to think positively, and help ease your nerves.
TIP #6: Stretch, Stretch, Stretch!
When I say this, I’m not sure people take it seriously, but I am being very serious! A Boudoir Photoshoot can be very physically taxing on the body. There is a lot of movement, bending, arching, and twisting. Stretching the day and night before can help your neck and back, and give you a better arch (which we love!) So lots of stretching.
TIP #7: Book Your Pre-Shoot Consultation
When you book a Boudoir Session with me, you have the option of booking a free (Facetime or Phone Call) Pre-Shoot Consultation. This is where we will go over the details of your shoot, and talk about poses & hair/makeup inspiration you really love. If there are any specific concepts you want to incorporate into your shoot this is the time to tell me them. We will also go over any insecurities that you may have so I know what to work around the day of your session, as well as what you love about yourself so I know what to highlight in your photos.
TIP #8: Drink Lots of Water
Another self-explanatory one! Obviously, we should all aim to drink more water, but in the case of a Boudoir Shoot I recommend drinking lots of water the week before to prevent any feeling of bloating, especially if you’re around your time of the month. No one feels sexy when they are bloated!

Hopefully these tips have helped you feel more prepared for your Boudoir Shoot. But if you have any more questions do not hesitate to ask them! Simply fill out the contact form on my website. No question is too weird!
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