Excuses are easy to make. They make life go by a little easier, right? But what if you’re missing out on what life has to offer by making excuses? I’m guilty of this myself. I know there are things I want to do that would be amazing to experience, but it’s hard to get myself up and actually plan these things. I know I would love to do these things, but my brain is just hardwired to say “someday, I’ll plan that.”
This is how many women are when it comes to booking a boudoir session. Almost every woman I’ve talked to has said that they have always wanted to book a shoot, but ____ (insert excuse here.)
Let me tell be the one to tell you, you do not need to be a certain weight to do a boudoir shoot. You also do not need anyone to give these photos to besides YOURSELF.
Now that we’ve got those important things out of the way, let me tell you why you deserve to book your boudoir shoot NOW, despite the excuses that might be in your head.

“I am just too busy.”
I get it, life moves at a million miles per hour, and it’s hard to find time to breathe, let alone book a boudoir session. But remember this: You can’t pour from an empty cup. If you are struggling mentally with self-esteem or confidence, it can affect other areas of your life. Make yourself a priority by slowing down and making time for yourself. You’ll save yourself a lot of mental energy that is wasted on thinking that you are not “good” or “sexy” enough, and it will be freed up for new, positive thoughts.

“I need to lose weight first.”
Society puts a lot of pressure on women to look a certain way, this is no secret. We know this, but still put this artificial pressure on ourselves when our bodies don’t adhere to these standards. Why do we do this? You do not need to be a certain size to start loving yourself. You do not need to be a certain size to celebrate what your body has done for you.

“I am not confident enough in my body.”
All this tells me is that you need a boudoir shoot. It’s completely normal to feel out of touch with your femininity and sensuality.

“Boudoir is too expensive.”
Boudoir is absolutely an investment, but it is an investment in yourself. You are investing in your mental well-being and peace of mind. Pre-Session Payment Plans and Affirm/PayPal Credit are available to make it more attainable to book a session.

“I have no one to give the photos to.”
You have YOURSELF. That is the most important person you could gift your images to. Imagine that negative voice in your head silenced because you finally see what you look like through someone else’s eyes. The peace of mind and confidence you will gain are priceless.
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